British Association for Sexual Health and HIV
Celebrating a hundred years of sexual healthcare
2017 marked a hundred years since the passing of the VD Act, which kick-started sexual healthcare in the UK as we know it. The British Association for Sexual Health and HIV tasked us with producing an animation to mark the event.
A delicate balance had to be struck, as BASHH wanted the animation to be quite light and celebratory in tone but also to touch on the stories of people whose lives had been affected by conditions like HIV.
We adopted a collage style design for the animation that allowed us to represent the historical aspects of the story in a novel, playful way for the lighter parts of the story.
To represent the stories of people that organisations like BASHH have helped over the years, we interviewed a woman with HIV who lost her husband to AIDs in the 1980s, and incorporated short snippets of her interview into the storyline.